Real Quick,
My name is Ashley, I'm a mom, wife and loving midwest living. I also work in healthcare. A year ago, I found my life to be in a rut. I was working A LOT of hours away from my family and everyday seemed to be a repeat of yesterday. Get up early, go to work, pay someone to take my kids to school, come home, fix supper, homework, bedtime, repeat. I found myself wondering if this is all life would ever be. I wanted more.
I've always been a baker, for my family and friends and when my friend made the comment "you could sell these" after trying a cookie I had made, it lit a spark in me. You might say the rest is history but I've learned a lot over the past year and a half of running a business. I've gone from working out of the home 5-6 days a week to 3. I spend way more time with my kids now and we have some extra income for fun stuff. I get to take my kids to school and pick them up now. It's nice being able to make my own schedule